Study Loans SA
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About Study Loans SA
Having a dream and being able to follow it are two different ideals. But Study Loan SA believes in being the one who bridges the gap between these two ideals.
Everyone deserves to receive a good education and they are here to ensure that you get the opportunity that you deserve.
Putting education first – always
Whether you are fresh out of high school, currently studying, or want to further your education to attain that promotion you have been hoping for, Study Loan SA is able to bring you one step closer to achieving that goal. Finance is such a fickle hurdle to prevent individuals from obtaining an education which is why they aspire to financially enable as many South Africans as possible in order to give them the education that they deserve.
Get affordable student loans
They have partnered with a variety of distance-learning colleges that offer student loans with affordable repayment schedules. They in collaboration with these institutions are able to afford you the future that you have always dreamed of.
Study Loans SA Services
Study Loan SA in association with their long-distance learning partners aims to provide you with an affordable student loan solution.
In doing so, they will financially enable you to pursue your dreams and obtain the goals you have set for yourself.
Student loans and how they can help you
When you study through one of their affiliated distance-learning colleges, you will be able to do so at an affordable price. This is not only due to the well-structured payment plans but because home study courses are cheaper. The tuition that you are expected to pay will depend on the length of your course.
Their 30-day policy
There is a lot of pressure on young people to choose a career path and know exactly what they want to do with their future from an early stage. However, it is not always as clear cut as that which is why they have established their 30-day policy. After you have registered for a course, even though you have received your first set of course materials and received tutoring, they afford you the opportunity to change your mind.
Study Loans SA – Student loan
- Loan Type Student loans
Benefits of Study Loans SA
- Affordable loan options
- Financial solutions for students
Student loan calculator
Get the finance you need with Study Loan SA
There is only so much that they can do for you – at the end of the day, you are the one who has to make the final decision.
But they are there to help you if you need assistance – all you need to do is give them a call.
Who is eligible for the application?
They accept loan applications from all those who are currently studying with or plan to study with one of the colleges listed on their website. Simply complete the easy online application and they will handle the rest.
Student loans are a good kind of debt
Starting your life with debt might seem like a bad idea but, in all honesty, there is often not much of a choice other than to obtain a student loan to complete your studies. But this does not mean that student loan debt is bad debt.
In fact, it is one of the few debts that are classified as good debt. When you start out in a new job there are very few individuals who have a credit record. But, with a student loan, you have been repaying your monthly interest creating a credit record for yourself. You are also enabling yourself the opportunity to earn a larger income which will benefit you greatly in the future.
Are you currently studying?
Even if you are currently studying you can still apply for financial assistance. There is no such thing as being too late – even if you are halfway through the race, they can help you to get to the finish line.
Take their career test
As discussed above, making a career choice at a young age is very stressful. So, if you are undecided or want to ensure that you are making the right choice, then simply take the career test offered by their partner on their website. These personality tests are sure to help you make the right choice.
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